[aesop_content color=”#000000″ background=”#ffffff” columns=”1″ position=”none” imgrepeat=”no-repeat” floaterposition=”left” floaterdirection=”up”]Starting from Teralba train station this section of the Great North Walk winds down and around the edge of Lake Macquarie. The walk along the northern end of Lake Macquarie is a highlight, with wide water views and open parkland. Stop for a snack or drink at Warners Bay shops before travelling along the roads to a large park at the end of Vermont Place. Here the walk wanders through the bushland around the Charlestown Golf Club before ducking under the West Charlestown Bypass. The walk continues through a few pockets of bushland and along a few roads to the Pacific Highway and Charlestown Park.
Download the map and tracknotes for this section of GNW at Teralba to Charlestown Park section.

Enjoying the view at Speers Point Park

Walking next to Five Island Road looking at Cockle Creek

The Great North Walk track heading towards Newcastle