1 | Sydney to Boronia Park

1 | Sydney to Boronia Park

[aesop_content color=”#000000″ background=”#ffffff” columns=”1″ position=”none” imgrepeat=”no-repeat” floaterposition=”left” floaterdirection=”up”]This southernmost stretch of the...

Leave No Trace

HERE ARE SOME TIPS TO HELP YOU LEAVE NO TRACE OF YOUR TIME ON THE GREAT NORTH WALK Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time.   Scars left by previous walkers not only detract from your experience but can leave long lasting...
List of day walks

List of day walks

Choose a section for you day walk [aesop_content color=”#000000″ background=”#ffffff” columns=”1″ position=”none” imgrepeat=”no-repeat” floaterposition=”left” floaterdirection=”up”]The...

Weekend walks

WALK THE WHOLE WALK IN A COUPLE OF WEEKENDS  For those people who want to put on a full pack and undertake the GNW as a series of overnight hikes, these itineraries suggest places to camp, and one night suggests using a motel as there are no formal campsites in the...

Inn to inn walks

IF SLEEPING IN A TENT ISN’T YOUR TOP CHOICE, WHY NOT TRY AN INN TO INN WALK Walking inn to inn involves the physical challenge of an overnight hike but with the luxury of a shower, a comfortable bed and a lighter pack. You can walk much of the GNW in this style,...