No journey is risk free; the better prepared you are, the safer and more fun your journey is likely to be.
Do spend time getting your body and mind ready. Start by reading and chatting with other people and exploring some of the smaller, easier walks. The book has been written to help you prepare, but there is so much that this book can’t cover. You will need to think through food, fitness, equipment, risks and skills. If you do not have the skills required, join a walking club or undertake a course; there are always people happy to help you learn.

Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide
SLIP SLOP SLAP SEEK SLIDE How to best protect yourself from the burning sun is best described in the sentence below. Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade, and slide on the sunnies. To find out more about sun protection visit...
Think Before You Trek
HERE ARE SOME TIPS TO HELP YOU PLAN YOUR TIME ON THE GREAT NORTH WALK Think Before You Trek is a bush safety initiative between the NSW Police Force and the National Parks and Wildlife Service. It aims to provide bushwalkers and adventurers in the Blue Mountains with...
Leave No Trace
HERE ARE SOME TIPS TO HELP YOU LEAVE NO TRACE OF YOUR TIME ON THE GREAT NORTH WALK Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time. Scars left by previous walkers not only detract from your experience but can leave long lasting...